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PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike

PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
PS77 50cc PocketBike MiniBike
Unser Preis beinhaltet alle Steuern für Kunden aus Europa
  • Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager
  • Marke: Nitro Motors
  • Modell: PS77 50cc Pocket Bike
  • Gewicht: 26.00kg
  • Ort: DE Warehouse

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Wir versenden dieses Produkt zu 27 europäischen Ländern von unserem Lager in Deutschland.


Pocket Bike 49cc PS77 from Nitro Motors

The PS77 49cc pocket bike is fitted with great 2 stroke 49cc engine, this racing bike guarantees hours of fun.

Pocket Bike 49cc PS77 Main Features:

49cc 2 stroke Nitro Motors engine

Aluminum reinforced front axle

Fold aluminum pedals

Disc brakes

Racing exhaust with aluminum end

Sport air filter (mushroom-shaped metal)

Easy pull starter

Racing profile tires

Reinforced rear axle

Recommended Riders Age 5-Adult


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Technische Daten
Marke Nitro Motors
Modell PS77 50cc Pocket Bike
Motor 49 ccm, 2-Takt, 3,5 PS
Getriebe Automatisches
Maximale Geschwindigkeit 50km/h
Zündung Zugstart Easy Start
Treibstoff Benzin-Öl-Gemisch 25:1
Bremsen Scheibenbremsen hinten und vorne
Räder 6.5", 90/65-6.5 , 110/50-6.5
Fahrzeuggewicht 20kg
Tragfähigkeit 90kg
Fahrzeugmaße (mm) 950x320x460
Sitzhöhe vom Boden 455mm
Empfohlenes Alter des Kindes 5+


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Informationen zur Produktsicherheit

Schnellsuche Nitro , PS77 , 49cc , Pocket Bike