- Dostępność: W magazynie
- Marka: Nitro Motors
- Model: Torino 1000W 36V on L Profile Tyres Graffiti Colors
- Waga: 52.00kg
- Lokalizacja: DE Warehouse
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Kolory Graffiti




Torino 1000W 36V Electric Quad Bike on L Profile Tyres from Nitro Motors - Graffiti Colors
The ECO Torino is a chain driven quad bike that has all the power and all the fun! The bike is designed for teens who are looking for an easy to use basic quad bike. The Environmentally friendly ECO Torino Mini Quad is a very quiet electric drive and requires 90% less maintenance than the petrol variant. The quad is equipped with 1000W electric motor and 3 x 12 V (48V, 12Ah) batteries that boasts the best power. It comes with three speeds regulator of 8 km/h, 18 km/h and 25 km/h and has a maximum range of about 20 km.
The quad bike has utility racks in front and rear for carrying goods. Its front led headlights helps you to ride at night easily. Other great standard features include forward and reverse gear, battery indicator, front and rear suspension and front and rear disc brakes. The Snow profile tires make the ride very smooth, comfortable and full of pleasure for the rider. It is recommended for kids 3 and above and has a max weight capacity of 65 kg. It is the perfect addition to camping trips or riding around your property. The construction of the bike gives it somewhat a real quad bike kind of a look and feel. The Graffiti paint looks attractive and the kids will find the quad bike really appealing. The quad bike contains safety foot switch for additional security which ensures the quad runs when the rider sits on it.
Torino 1000W 36V Electric Quad Bike Main Features:
1000W brushed motor
3x12V 12Ah batteries (36V)
High quality snow profile L tyres
Graffiti colors
3 level electronic speed restrictor 6km/h, 15km/h and 25km/h
Led headligts
Safety foot switch
Beadlock rims
Disc brakes
Battery indicator
High quality L profile tires
Front and rear suspension
Charger included
Recommended Riders Age 3-9 Years Old
Dane techniczne | |
Marka | Nitro Motors |
Model | Torino 1000W 36V Snow Profile L Tyres Kolory Graffiti |
Silnik Elektryczny | Szczotkowy 1000W 36V |
Akumulatory | 36V - 3x12V 12Ah, 6-DZM-12 |
Maksymalna prędkość | 25km/h |
Ogranicznik prędkości | 6km/h, 15km/h, 25km/h |
Zasięg na jednym ładowaniu | 15km (40min - 2h) w zależności od warunków |
Czas ładowania | 4-6h |
Hamulce | Hamulce tarczowe z tyłu iz przodu |
Koła | 6" 13x4.10-6 | 13x4.10-6 |
Waga Pojazdu | 57kg |
Maksymalne obciążenie | 65kg |
Wymiary (mm) | 1200x650x780 |
Wysokość siedzenia od ziemi | 510mm |
Zalecany wiek dziecka | 3-8 |
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