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Mini Bikes Store Video Blog RSS Feed

We at Mini Bikes Store well know that assembling the new Dirt Bike, Mini Moto, Quad or Buggy can be a bit daunting, especially if you don't have a lot of experience.

We also know that they do require maintenance and repairs that's way we are uploading instruction videos about our mini bikes. With the help of the videos, you will have full review of the bikes, and you will be able to service them your self.

We have also uploaded the videos regarding the reviews of the kids bikes and the test drives done by the kids. Watch our videos to know more about mini dirt bikes, quads, pocket bikes and buggies.

02 Jun Pit Bike, Dirt Bike 125ccm - First Start - Instructions + Test Ride Sky from Nitro Motors
Mini Bikes Store 0 13552
Full instructions how to start for the first time 125ccm Pit Bike, Dirt Bike SKY 125cc from Nitro Motors (Germany). This video will explaind you what you need to do step by step to start your Pit Bike 125ccm Sky, Orion, Stomp or any other Pit Bike..
21 Jan Quad 50cc  First Start Instructions - Pocket Quad 50cc ATV Cobra 2
Mini Bikes Store 0 20718
Step by step Instructions how to start the mini Pocke Quad 50cc for the first time. The video will explain how to mix fuel with oil and how to prepare the Mini Quad 49cc for the first start. It will also explain  how to properly tune your new 50cc Pocket Quad..
02 Dec Quad 125ccm, 110cc - First Start Instructions + Test Ride Speedy RG7
Mini Bikes Store 2 10035
Full instructions how to start for the first time 110ccm 125cc Midi Quad Speedy from Nitro Motors (Germany). This video will explaind you what you need to do step by step to start your new 125cc 110cc Quad for the first time...
10 Jan A 3-year-old boy rides an electric Pocket Bike from Nitro Motors
Mini Bikes Store 2 15160
A 3 year old boy rides an electric pocket bike in the city between the houses. The electric Pocket Bike has a silent electric motor with a power of 800W and three 12V batteries with a total voltage of 36V. Electric vehicles are the perfect choice for people living in the city and outside the city...
26 Oct Video Review of Electric Pocket Bike 800W 36V from Nitro Motors
Mini Bikes Store 1 12550
Electric Pocket Bike 800W 36V from Nitro Motors. This small motorcycle is equipped with a very powerful 800w brush motor and 3 12v batteries with a total voltage of 36v. The Pocket Bike has enough power to be able to ride both children and adults. Its advantage over the combustion version is reliability and no generated noise...
16 Nov Video Review of Best Quality 50cc Pocket Bike - PS50 Rocket Sport
Mini Bikes Store 3 22377
PS50 Rocket Sport from Nitro Motors. The best quality Pocket Bike on the market at a very attractive price. This small motor is equipped with a combustion engine with a capacity of 49cm3, a sports centrifugal clutch, a sports 19mm carburetor, a very strong steel frame and sports disc brakes...
13 Nov Toronto RG8 125cc Quad from Nitro Motors
Mini Bikes Store 1 11861
Quick look around new 125cc quad from Nitro Motors, the Toronto RG8 125cc Quad ATV. ..
18 Oct Sky Deluxe 125cc PIT BIKE - DIRT BIKE - Video Review
Mini Bikes Store 1 10280
Video review of the new Pit Bike Sky Deluxe 125 from Nitro Motors. The motorcycle is equipped with a four-stroke 125cc engine, manual transmission, large 17 and 14 inch wheels and a reinforced frame...
Showing 25 to 32 of 32 (3 Pages)